
Friday, February 26, 2010

"The Girls From Mossad"

A mí tambien me gustan las chicas del Mossad.


  1. Amazing how this million year old trick "honey trap" still works like a charm... mossad goes a step further choosing "girl next door kinda girls" and not the classic bombshel blond or bond girl type

  2. I have lost count of how many times I have said "no" even though I was lusting inside. But, hey, I made it. Those who can not resist the temptation are comdemned to die. It takes real guts and determination not to fall for that trap.

  3. Check out the movie "Munich", reviewed on this website:


    There is a scene, at the hotel bar. It's the classic example of what not to do with a "honey trap"

  4. Guys have to understand that it NEVER happens like in porn movies... but everybody says hey IS JUST MY LUCKY DAY, thanks god in VE i learned, not to fall in that trap, (security reasons), getting kidnaped, robbed or carjacked that way...

    I miss VE, but...

    BTW the encouther with mohammed, was crazy, i thougth bad guys just shoot w/o asking...

    Lucky you...

    Stay Safe

  5. If you have survived in VE you can survive anywhere. VE was my first and best training camp, of course, there were also The Farm and Langley but that's another story.

    I really don't miss VE as much as you say you do. Actually, I don't miss it at all! I feel safer here in Afghanistan than I ever felt in CCS.
    Anyway, thanks for reading, Pablo.
    Until next time!
