
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Day Six: The Station"

El área, próxima a la frontera, es el único bastión de resguardo en la zona. Está controlado por tropas británicas y norteamericanas. La estación es un punto invisible en el mapa que opera desde la raya que divide a estos dos mundos. Si alguno de nosotros traspasase los linderos de este perímetro, estaría en tierra de nadie.


  1. Can't imagine the loneliness, in that remote station (i heard somethigns about troops are not allowed to shave, guess cultural clash issues), winter by itself is a lonely season... to see no civilization around, sleeping with an eye open in case they come... side arm under a pillow, and not much more to do before going to bed that empty out feelings here.

    With a handfull of guys you barely know i guess... everyone minding their own business

    Rest asure that you guys are not alone out there!, and if i could i would be side by side on the field!

    Keep posting man! ill be reading... Kinda makes me feel part of it :D

    Stay Safe!

  2. Hey Pablo, Hi

    Sometimes we shave but it is not recommended, the same goes for bathing, we would run the risk of the enemy detecting us by the smell of soap. Yes, is that bad...This is certainly not a picnic, at all.
